புதன், 5 டிசம்பர், 2018


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The one commodity that is most valuable on this Earth it's time time to love time to live from the moment the human body is bornit begins dying of the human body is born it begins dying so I'm happen fasterslower some of us go faster and some of them prevent it from happening sooner than later how many seconds how many minutes do we wait everyday doingthings that are nowhere near the goals and aspirations and passes that we have inside how many times do you go through the course of a day and realizeset out to do today write down those goals each and every day no matter if it's two goals a day that you can accomplish those then you're doing more than just makingdo the day you were living and achieving your dreams find time to better yourself explore research live lifedo things you've never thought of doing before that's what it's all about when you're born that's that date that they put on the left side of torso when you die they put another dayon the right side of the tombstone but that Dash in the middle is the most important thing on that Tombstone that is aligned that throughout that entire timeyou were able to impact and put others lies you were able to leave your mark on this Earth you were able to build a legacy that nobody could change you willtwo habits people remember who you are no matter what we're living for that Dash in the middle you're going to remember your why you're why why you hear not nothing whydo something you're why your your reason for getting up in the morning your reason for pushing yourself past the brink of exertion and giving up your reason for moving on and and and getting things donethe light that Dash in the middle that's the thing that pushes you how do you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of your fistappearance and turns of your help do you take care of yourself are you allowing yourself to get overweight and out of shape are you conscious of your health are you watching the food that you takenyour body do you make a deliberate effort to exercise you know it was George Burns he said we cannot help getting older but we don't have to get old and many of us get all the time because we don't.

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